-- Transsexual Theology
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
2005-07-27 01:01:09 UTC
According to journalist John Stapleton in an article titled "Catholics
Softer on Gays" as reported in The Australian Newspaper [p 5] of
Wednesday 27 July 2005, 'the most homophobic religious grouping were
those identifying as Baptists, then evangelical Christians,
Presbyterians and Methodists." [cf:

Thus we may conclude that Pastor Rowland Croucher exhibits a greater
probability, that his theology is by nature {ie. Natural reproduction}
antagonist--if not homophobic, towards notions of gender and sexuality

The subject of Trans-sexuality is directly addressed within the
Scriptures. In the following circumstances:

A) God is androgynous (ie. Both male and female) in his oneness who
created humankind with such likeness.

B) Comparisons can be made of a common esoteric (or as he would call
it, 'metaphysical') paradigm between Judaeo-Christian religious,
political and social theology/philosophy of circa 4 BCE - 70 CE and
that of Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) Hexagon Trigrams to
Tetragram assignments proposed by Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) which by
4 BCE, first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination.

C) A trans(cendental {1. transaction; 2. transcript; 3. transitive; 4.
translated; 5. translation; 6. translator; 7. transport; 8. transform})
aspect to gender attribution would have a rational biopsychological
base which was universally, rather than superficially appealing, and
not simply
an inversion of self.

Such a rational biopsychological base which is universal is conveyed by
the 81 tetragrams x 4.5 = 364 1/2 days of Yang's (4 BCE-18 CE) basic
structure with two additional Appraisals used solely for intercalation
as the difference of 3/4 of a day as the adjustment to 365 1/4 days of
the solar year. Thus distinct from any consideration of intercalation
of 2 additional appraisals, the foundational calendar provides a
worldview mechanism as a granularity of 9 times 1/2 day appraisals. As
such, it is the means for achieving a process of cosmological
divination and an interesting phenomenon--annual horologue as
dialectical prose. In that it gives a total of 729 designations for the
yearly cycle which is 364 + 365 = 729 (+ 2 intercalation appraisals).

364.5 + 4.5 = #369 = 9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square)

The first eight layers of this paradigm are each made of an array of
#369 =
9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square) associated to the following function:


#1 - Nature contains Nature {#4 - Nature amended in its Nature}

#2 - Nature rejoices in its Nature {#5 - Act of Nature}

#3 - Nature surmounts Nature {#6 - Form of Nature}

#4 - Nature amended in its Nature {#7 - Engendering Nature}

#5 - Act of Nature {#8 - Transforming Nature}

#6 - Form of Nature {#9 - Autonomous Nature}

#7 - Engendering Nature {#10 - Totality of Nature}

#8 - Transforming Nature

#9 - Autonomous Nature {eg: Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) 64 Hexagon
to 81 Tetragram assignments as Kosmological Number Theory}

The following is The structure of the Mysteries conveyed by I-Ching by
first century BCE consisted of a set of 64 six-line hexagrams
either a solid (ie.

yang ch'I as male as active principle, positive attribute; light;
cause; One; Unity; Realm of its Nature as Heaven; the unbegotten
Father; the great virtue of Heaven; As male has mastery over the great
beginning of things {Hex 1; Yang: [#32, #28, #14, #44 - Moderate
Values/ Setting Up Precepts, #15 - Mastering Guiding Discourse/ The
Revealers of Virtue, (#30, #44)]}

) or a single broken (ie.

yin as female as passive principle, negative attribute; dark; to fill;
correspondence; Duad; Multiplicity; System's Cosmology; As female
brings things to completion {Hex 2; Yin: [#2, #47, #10, #50 - Fantasies
of Avoiding Death/ The Estimation of Life, #9 - The Inconstancy of
Achievement/ Practising Placidity, (#47, #7)]}

) line, were substituted by a tetragram as four-line glyph, whose
component parts were read from top to bottom, in the opposite order to
the I-Ching. The four lines each therefore represented 3 possibilities
{ie. Solid-YANG, line broken-YIN, double

ie. self identity as the unknown and abyss; the begotten son as [#3,
#20, #52, #73 - Employing Deeming/ Daring to Act, #79 - Recognizing
Agreements/ Keep Your Obligations, (#1, #16)]; which is called
'generation' when things are born {Hex 3; Zhun [Birth Throes]: [#47,
#68, #67, #26 - Ambiguous Reversals/ The Virtue of Gravity, #37 -
Non-Deeming Action/ Administration of Government, (#25, #52)]} as
number {ie. Zhuan [to enumerate or calculate]} becomes embodied in

} meaning there were: 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = #81 possible tetragrams within
the Mystery, as opposed to the 64 glyphs of the I-Ching.

These tetragrams were associated to a hierarchical nest of divisions
that is at once a geographic, sociopolitical and anthropocentric realm
implemented during the Han period (206 BCE - 220 CE):

3 Regions {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven: + 0, 27, 54}
9 Provinces {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth: + 0, 9, 18}
27 Departments {ie. Self identity: + 0, 3, 6}
81 Families {ie. Its culturing as that which organises the myriad of
individual phenomena (Wan Wu): + 1, 2, 3} = Tetragrammation hierarchy

For example, the numerical value of #30 for the Tetragramation 'Bold
Resolution' is obtained by summing each row of the glyph as follows:

= = + 27
---- + 0
---- + 0
*** + 3 = #30

This cycle begins on 22-26 (pm) December winter solstice and connects
the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. It gives rise to the notion that the
Yin/Yang is a chronological consideration of Day/Night and the #41 -
(Summer Solstice)/#81 - Yang (Winter Solstice). The paradigm follows in
close approximation the general 5 day designations (with 4 and 6 day
variations) as calendar overlay assigned by the 72 trigrams as
Daemons/Angels comprising the Jewish Kabbalah paradigm as Divine Name
Extension (ie. Mystical name of God Shemhamphorae as dialectical
(anagrammation) of the 1550 BCE Biblical Text of [Exodus 14:19-21])

D) It is evident by the lack of any teleological statement for the
existence of God--which remains consistent with the history of western
thought in the four great phases of Mythos, Logos, Theos and Mechanos,
and the emerging age, provided it evolves, as I think, towards
participatory modes of knowing--that Rowland Croucher is coerced into
making rationalistic statements on gender.

I intuitively call this emerging age: Autos {one's true self, the soul;
containing its own principles of self-governance}

The reason for such conclusion, is that the four great phases of
western thought may be viewed dialectically:

Mythos {Thesis - Impossible}
Logos {Anti-thesis - Possible}
Theos {Synthesis - Self identity}
Mechanos {Progression-Logical Grounding of Infinity}
Autos {Corporal Form-Subjective Grounding of Infinity}

A rationalism according to the Macquarie Australian Dictionary, is:

1. The principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority
in matters of opinion, beliefs, or conduct.
2. Metempirical Philosophy
(a) the theory that reason is in itself a source of knowledge
independently of the senses (distinguished from empiricism, def. [2])
(b) the theory that even sense experience is possible only because of a
rational element supplied by reason (distinguished from sensationalism,
def [5])
3. Theology the doctrine that revelation and scriptural tradition are
to be accepted only so far as in principle, they conform with reason."
[Ref: The Macquarie Dictionary, © 1981 The Macquarie Library Pty Ltd]

On that basis, Pastor Rowland Croucher's claimed religious belief may
be viewed as unreasoned and may be rejected on that basis.

- dolf
- <http://home.iprimus.com.au/telos/kosmos.html#TETRAGRAMS>
2005-07-27 02:53:10 UTC
For the benefit of the newsgroups "de.alt.soc.transgendered,
alt.transgendered", added to this discussion thread, I have included
Rowland Croucher's originating comment for this discussiion thread
'Transsexual Theology'.

On the basis of past participation, he seldom takes responsibility for
his newsgroup actions, therefore I don't expect him to respond with
integrity to the issues raised--its not that he might view himself as
above participation, or that he himself isn't perhaps as well equipped
to participate, but that he might view himself as a facilitator and
therefore divested of any further duty to humankind.

Rowland Croucher at 0933 hrs 27 July 2005 wrote: "The subject of
Transsexuality is not directly addressed in Scripture.

One might come to this issue with the perspective that where the
Scriptures are silent we are to make our decisions based on empirical
evidence and reason. Therefore, we would turn to psychological research
which indicates that Gender Dysphoria is an actual condition, probably
inherent, and that the best treatment is a chemical and surgical sex

However, there are a few concepts in the Scripture which indirectly
address the idea of people of unusual Gender conditions and how we are
to relate to them within the church. This is the idea of eunuchs.

More... http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/15545.htm and
http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/15544.htm "

25 July 2005
#81 Making the Essence Clear/ Propounding the Essential
#12 The Numbing Effect of the Conventional/ Abstaining from Desire
#16 Being a Guide/ Returning to the Root
#4 Using Guidance/ Sourceless
#72 Self-Love/ Holding Oneself Dear (*)
#69 Profound Use/ The Function of the Mysterious
#59 A Sensible Guide/ Hold Fast To Reason
#66 Strategic Reversal/ Putting Oneself Behind
#49 Sage's Constancy/ Trust in Virtue
Post by Qolon
According to journalist John Stapleton in an article titled "Catholics
Softer on Gays" as reported in The Australian Newspaper [p 5] of
Wednesday 27 July 2005, 'the most homophobic religious grouping were
those identifying as Baptists, then evangelical Christians,
Thus we may conclude that Pastor Rowland Croucher exhibits a greater
probability, that his theology is by nature {ie. Natural reproduction}
antagonist--if not homophobic, towards notions of gender and sexuality
The subject of Trans-sexuality is directly addressed within the
A) God is androgynous (ie. Both male and female) in his oneness who
created humankind with such likeness.
B) Comparisons can be made of a common esoteric (or as he would call
it, 'metaphysical') paradigm between Judaeo-Christian religious,
political and social theology/philosophy of circa 4 BCE - 70 CE and
that of Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) Hexagon Trigrams to
Tetragram assignments proposed by Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) which by
4 BCE, first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination.
C) A trans(cendental {1. transaction; 2. transcript; 3. transitive; 4.
translated; 5. translation; 6. translator; 7. transport; 8. transform})
aspect to gender attribution would have a rational biopsychological
base which was universally, rather than superficially appealing, and
not simply an inversion of self.
Such a rational biopsychological base which is universal is conveyed by
the 81 tetragrams x 4.5 = 364 1/2 days of Yang's (4 BCE-18 CE) basic
structure with two additional Appraisals used solely for intercalation
as the difference of 3/4 of a day as the adjustment to 365 1/4 days of
the solar year. Thus distinct from any consideration of intercalation
of 2 additional appraisals, the foundational calendar provides a
worldview mechanism as a granularity of 9 times 1/2 day appraisals. As
such, it is the means for achieving a process of cosmological
divination and an interesting phenomenon--annual horologue as
dialectical prose. In that it gives a total of 729 designations for the
yearly cycle which is 364 + 365 = 729 (+ 2 intercalation appraisals).
364.5 + 4.5 = #369 = 9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square)
The first eight layers of this paradigm are each made of an array of
#369 = 9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square) associated to the following
#1 - Nature contains Nature {#4 - Nature amended in its Nature}
#2 - Nature rejoices in its Nature {#5 - Act of Nature}
#3 - Nature surmounts Nature {#6 - Form of Nature}
#4 - Nature amended in its Nature {#7 - Engendering Nature}
#5 - Act of Nature {#8 - Transforming Nature}
#6 - Form of Nature {#9 - Autonomous Nature}
#7 - Engendering Nature {#10 - Totality of Nature}
#8 - Transforming Nature
#9 - Autonomous Nature {eg: Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) 64 Hexagon
Trigrams to 81 Tetragram assignments as Kosmological Number Theory}
The following is The structure of the Mysteries conveyed by I-Ching by
the first century BCE consisted of a set of 64 six-line hexagrams
comprising either a solid (ie.
yang ch'I as male as active principle, positive attribute; light;
cause; One; Unity; Realm of its Nature as Heaven; the unbegotten
Father; the great virtue of Heaven; As male has mastery over the great
beginning of things {Hex 1; Yang: [#32, #28, #14, #44 - Moderate
Values/ Setting Up Precepts, #15 - Mastering Guiding Discourse/ The
Revealers of Virtue, (#30, #44)]}
) or a single broken (ie.
yin as female as passive principle, negative attribute; dark; to fill;
correspondence; Duad; Multiplicity; System's Cosmology; As female
brings things to completion {Hex 2; Yin: [#2, #47, #10, #50 - Fantasies
of Avoiding Death/ The Estimation of Life, #9 - The Inconstancy of
Achievement/ Practising Placidity, (#47, #7)]}
) line, were substituted by a tetragram as four-line glyph, whose
component parts were read from top to bottom, in the opposite order to
the I-Ching. The four lines each therefore represented 3 possibilities
{ie. Solid-YANG, line broken-YIN, double
ie. self identity as the unknown and abyss; the begotten son as [#3,
#20, #52, #73 - Employing Deeming/ Daring to Act, #79 - Recognizing
Agreements/ Keep Your Obligations, (#1, #16)]; which is called
'generation' when things are born {Hex 3; Zhun [Birth Throes]: [#47,
#68, #67, #26 - Ambiguous Reversals/ The Virtue of Gravity, #37 -
Non-Deeming Action/ Administration of Government, (#25, #52)]} as
number {ie. Zhuan [to enumerate or calculate]} becomes embodied in
} meaning there were: 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = #81 possible tetragrams within
the Mystery, as opposed to the 64 glyphs of the I-Ching.
These tetragrams were associated to a hierarchical nest of divisions
that is at once a geographic, sociopolitical and anthropocentric realm
3 Regions {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven: + 0, 27, 54}
9 Provinces {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth: + 0, 9, 18}
27 Departments {ie. Self identity: + 0, 3, 6}
81 Families {ie. Its culturing as that which organises the myriad of
individual phenomena (Wan Wu): + 1, 2, 3} = Tetragrammation hierarchy
For example, the numerical value of #30 for the Tetragramation 'Bold
= = + 27
---- + 0
---- + 0
*** + 3 = #30
This cycle begins on 22-26 (pm) December winter solstice and connects
with the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. It gives rise to the notion that the
Yin/Yang is a chronological consideration of Day/Night and the #41 -
Ying (Summer Solstice)/#81 - Yang (Winter Solstice). The paradigm
follows in close approximation the general 5 day designations (with 4
and 6 day variations) as calendar overlay assigned by the 72 trigrams as
Daemons/Angels comprising the Jewish Kabbalah paradigm as Divine Name
of Extension (ie. Mystical name of God Shemhamphorae as dialectical
trigram (anagrammation) of the 1550 BCE Biblical Text of [Exodus
D) It is evident by the lack of any teleological statement for the
existence of God--which remains consistent with the history of western
thought in the four great phases of Mythos, Logos, Theos and Mechanos,
and the emerging age, provided it evolves, as I think, towards
participatory modes of knowing--that Rowland Croucher is coerced into
making rationalistic statements on gender.
I intuitively call this emerging age: Autos {one's true self, the soul;
containing its own principles of self-governance}
The reason for such conclusion, is that the four great phases of
Mythos {Thesis - Impossible}
Logos {Anti-thesis - Possible}
Theos {Synthesis - Self identity}
Mechanos {Progression-Logical Grounding of Infinity}
Autos {Corporal Form-Subjective Grounding of Infinity}
1. The principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority
in matters of opinion, beliefs, or conduct.
2. Metempirical Philosophy
(a) the theory that reason is in itself a source of knowledge
independently of the senses (distinguished from empiricism, def. [2])
(b) the theory that even sense experience is possible only because of a
rational element supplied by reason (distinguished from sensationalism,
def [5])
3. Theology the doctrine that revelation and scriptural tradition are
to be accepted only so far as in principle, they conform with reason."
[Ref: The Macquarie Dictionary, © 1981 The Macquarie Library Pty Ltd]
On that basis, Pastor Rowland Croucher's claimed religious belief may
be viewed as unreasoned and may be rejected on that basis.
- dolf
- <http://home.iprimus.com.au/telos/kosmos.html#TETRAGRAMS>
Barry OGrady
2005-07-27 13:44:43 UTC
Post by Qolon
For the benefit of the newsgroups "de.alt.soc.transgendered,
alt.transgendered", added to this discussion thread, I have included
Rowland Croucher's originating comment for this discussiion thread
'Transsexual Theology'.
For the benefit of the additional newsgroups spammed by Dolt, let it
be known that Dolt is a troublemaker who will go to any length to be
annoying, not limited to excessive post lengths, repeating posts,
claiming religious discrimination, and making false complaints to ISPs.

Home page
2005-07-27 14:48:32 UTC
Post by Barry OGrady
Post by Qolon
For the benefit of the newsgroups "de.alt.soc.transgendered,
alt.transgendered", added to this discussion thread, I have included
Rowland Croucher's originating comment for this discussiion thread
'Transsexual Theology'.
For the benefit of the additional newsgroups spammed by Dolt, let it
be known that Dolt is a troublemaker who will go to any length to be
annoying, not limited to excessive post lengths, repeating posts,
claiming religious discrimination, and making false complaints to ISPs.
And for *additional* benefit, you could please all leave out English
stuff from German language newsgroups (whose names begin with de.).

Kind regards,

2005-07-27 22:53:01 UTC
Xenophobic Hannah Schroeter? Why not use an on-line translator...


Und für *zusätzlich* Vorteil, Sie könnten alle auslassen englischen
von deutschen Sprachennewsgroups
erfreuen (dessen Namen mit de beginnen.)

Art betrachtet" [Hannah Schroeter, 27 July 2005]

"Was aber für sich kein "Alleinstellungsmerkmal" von Psychosen ist."
Schroeter, 24 July 2005]

Barry sagt gewöhnlich nichts lohnend -- aber Sie können sich auf
seine teilnahme verlassen, wenn es einen passenden psychologischen
drücker gibt.

Barry usually doesn't say anything worthwhile--but you can count on his
participation when there is an appropriate psychological trigger.

- dolf

<h12939+***@usenet.kitty.sub.org> wrote in message news:dc86s0$g67$***@kilo.pond.sub.org...

And for *additional* benefit, you could please all leave out English
stuff from German language newsgroups (whose names begin with de.).

Kind regards,


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