2005-07-27 01:01:09 UTC
According to journalist John Stapleton in an article titled "Catholics
Softer on Gays" as reported in The Australian Newspaper [p 5] of
Wednesday 27 July 2005, 'the most homophobic religious grouping were
those identifying as Baptists, then evangelical Christians,
Presbyterians and Methodists." [cf:
Thus we may conclude that Pastor Rowland Croucher exhibits a greater
probability, that his theology is by nature {ie. Natural reproduction}
antagonist--if not homophobic, towards notions of gender and sexuality
The subject of Trans-sexuality is directly addressed within the
Scriptures. In the following circumstances:
A) God is androgynous (ie. Both male and female) in his oneness who
created humankind with such likeness.
B) Comparisons can be made of a common esoteric (or as he would call
it, 'metaphysical') paradigm between Judaeo-Christian religious,
political and social theology/philosophy of circa 4 BCE - 70 CE and
that of Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) Hexagon Trigrams to
Tetragram assignments proposed by Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) which by
4 BCE, first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination.
C) A trans(cendental {1. transaction; 2. transcript; 3. transitive; 4.
translated; 5. translation; 6. translator; 7. transport; 8. transform})
aspect to gender attribution would have a rational biopsychological
base which was universally, rather than superficially appealing, and
not simply
an inversion of self.
Such a rational biopsychological base which is universal is conveyed by
the 81 tetragrams x 4.5 = 364 1/2 days of Yang's (4 BCE-18 CE) basic
structure with two additional Appraisals used solely for intercalation
as the difference of 3/4 of a day as the adjustment to 365 1/4 days of
the solar year. Thus distinct from any consideration of intercalation
of 2 additional appraisals, the foundational calendar provides a
worldview mechanism as a granularity of 9 times 1/2 day appraisals. As
such, it is the means for achieving a process of cosmological
divination and an interesting phenomenon--annual horologue as
dialectical prose. In that it gives a total of 729 designations for the
yearly cycle which is 364 + 365 = 729 (+ 2 intercalation appraisals).
364.5 + 4.5 = #369 = 9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square)
The first eight layers of this paradigm are each made of an array of
#369 =
9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square) associated to the following function:
#1 - Nature contains Nature {#4 - Nature amended in its Nature}
#2 - Nature rejoices in its Nature {#5 - Act of Nature}
#3 - Nature surmounts Nature {#6 - Form of Nature}
#4 - Nature amended in its Nature {#7 - Engendering Nature}
#5 - Act of Nature {#8 - Transforming Nature}
#6 - Form of Nature {#9 - Autonomous Nature}
#7 - Engendering Nature {#10 - Totality of Nature}
#8 - Transforming Nature
#9 - Autonomous Nature {eg: Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) 64 Hexagon
to 81 Tetragram assignments as Kosmological Number Theory}
The following is The structure of the Mysteries conveyed by I-Ching by
first century BCE consisted of a set of 64 six-line hexagrams
either a solid (ie.
yang ch'I as male as active principle, positive attribute; light;
cause; One; Unity; Realm of its Nature as Heaven; the unbegotten
Father; the great virtue of Heaven; As male has mastery over the great
beginning of things {Hex 1; Yang: [#32, #28, #14, #44 - Moderate
Values/ Setting Up Precepts, #15 - Mastering Guiding Discourse/ The
Revealers of Virtue, (#30, #44)]}
) or a single broken (ie.
yin as female as passive principle, negative attribute; dark; to fill;
correspondence; Duad; Multiplicity; System's Cosmology; As female
brings things to completion {Hex 2; Yin: [#2, #47, #10, #50 - Fantasies
of Avoiding Death/ The Estimation of Life, #9 - The Inconstancy of
Achievement/ Practising Placidity, (#47, #7)]}
) line, were substituted by a tetragram as four-line glyph, whose
component parts were read from top to bottom, in the opposite order to
the I-Ching. The four lines each therefore represented 3 possibilities
{ie. Solid-YANG, line broken-YIN, double
ie. self identity as the unknown and abyss; the begotten son as [#3,
#20, #52, #73 - Employing Deeming/ Daring to Act, #79 - Recognizing
Agreements/ Keep Your Obligations, (#1, #16)]; which is called
'generation' when things are born {Hex 3; Zhun [Birth Throes]: [#47,
#68, #67, #26 - Ambiguous Reversals/ The Virtue of Gravity, #37 -
Non-Deeming Action/ Administration of Government, (#25, #52)]} as
number {ie. Zhuan [to enumerate or calculate]} becomes embodied in
} meaning there were: 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = #81 possible tetragrams within
the Mystery, as opposed to the 64 glyphs of the I-Ching.
These tetragrams were associated to a hierarchical nest of divisions
that is at once a geographic, sociopolitical and anthropocentric realm
implemented during the Han period (206 BCE - 220 CE):
3 Regions {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven: + 0, 27, 54}
9 Provinces {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth: + 0, 9, 18}
27 Departments {ie. Self identity: + 0, 3, 6}
81 Families {ie. Its culturing as that which organises the myriad of
individual phenomena (Wan Wu): + 1, 2, 3} = Tetragrammation hierarchy
For example, the numerical value of #30 for the Tetragramation 'Bold
Resolution' is obtained by summing each row of the glyph as follows:
= = + 27
---- + 0
---- + 0
*** + 3 = #30
This cycle begins on 22-26 (pm) December winter solstice and connects
the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. It gives rise to the notion that the
Yin/Yang is a chronological consideration of Day/Night and the #41 -
(Summer Solstice)/#81 - Yang (Winter Solstice). The paradigm follows in
close approximation the general 5 day designations (with 4 and 6 day
variations) as calendar overlay assigned by the 72 trigrams as
Daemons/Angels comprising the Jewish Kabbalah paradigm as Divine Name
Extension (ie. Mystical name of God Shemhamphorae as dialectical
(anagrammation) of the 1550 BCE Biblical Text of [Exodus 14:19-21])
D) It is evident by the lack of any teleological statement for the
existence of God--which remains consistent with the history of western
thought in the four great phases of Mythos, Logos, Theos and Mechanos,
and the emerging age, provided it evolves, as I think, towards
participatory modes of knowing--that Rowland Croucher is coerced into
making rationalistic statements on gender.
I intuitively call this emerging age: Autos {one's true self, the soul;
containing its own principles of self-governance}
The reason for such conclusion, is that the four great phases of
western thought may be viewed dialectically:
Mythos {Thesis - Impossible}
Logos {Anti-thesis - Possible}
Theos {Synthesis - Self identity}
Mechanos {Progression-Logical Grounding of Infinity}
Autos {Corporal Form-Subjective Grounding of Infinity}
A rationalism according to the Macquarie Australian Dictionary, is:
1. The principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority
in matters of opinion, beliefs, or conduct.
2. Metempirical Philosophy
(a) the theory that reason is in itself a source of knowledge
independently of the senses (distinguished from empiricism, def. [2])
(b) the theory that even sense experience is possible only because of a
rational element supplied by reason (distinguished from sensationalism,
def [5])
3. Theology the doctrine that revelation and scriptural tradition are
to be accepted only so far as in principle, they conform with reason."
[Ref: The Macquarie Dictionary, © 1981 The Macquarie Library Pty Ltd]
On that basis, Pastor Rowland Croucher's claimed religious belief may
be viewed as unreasoned and may be rejected on that basis.
- dolf
- <http://home.iprimus.com.au/telos/kosmos.html#TETRAGRAMS>
Softer on Gays" as reported in The Australian Newspaper [p 5] of
Wednesday 27 July 2005, 'the most homophobic religious grouping were
those identifying as Baptists, then evangelical Christians,
Presbyterians and Methodists." [cf:
Thus we may conclude that Pastor Rowland Croucher exhibits a greater
probability, that his theology is by nature {ie. Natural reproduction}
antagonist--if not homophobic, towards notions of gender and sexuality
The subject of Trans-sexuality is directly addressed within the
Scriptures. In the following circumstances:
A) God is androgynous (ie. Both male and female) in his oneness who
created humankind with such likeness.
B) Comparisons can be made of a common esoteric (or as he would call
it, 'metaphysical') paradigm between Judaeo-Christian religious,
political and social theology/philosophy of circa 4 BCE - 70 CE and
that of Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) Hexagon Trigrams to
Tetragram assignments proposed by Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) which by
4 BCE, first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN
CHING {ie. Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination.
C) A trans(cendental {1. transaction; 2. transcript; 3. transitive; 4.
translated; 5. translation; 6. translator; 7. transport; 8. transform})
aspect to gender attribution would have a rational biopsychological
base which was universally, rather than superficially appealing, and
not simply
an inversion of self.
Such a rational biopsychological base which is universal is conveyed by
the 81 tetragrams x 4.5 = 364 1/2 days of Yang's (4 BCE-18 CE) basic
structure with two additional Appraisals used solely for intercalation
as the difference of 3/4 of a day as the adjustment to 365 1/4 days of
the solar year. Thus distinct from any consideration of intercalation
of 2 additional appraisals, the foundational calendar provides a
worldview mechanism as a granularity of 9 times 1/2 day appraisals. As
such, it is the means for achieving a process of cosmological
divination and an interesting phenomenon--annual horologue as
dialectical prose. In that it gives a total of 729 designations for the
yearly cycle which is 364 + 365 = 729 (+ 2 intercalation appraisals).
364.5 + 4.5 = #369 = 9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square)
The first eight layers of this paradigm are each made of an array of
#369 =
9(9^2+1)/2 (Magic Square) associated to the following function:
#1 - Nature contains Nature {#4 - Nature amended in its Nature}
#2 - Nature rejoices in its Nature {#5 - Act of Nature}
#3 - Nature surmounts Nature {#6 - Form of Nature}
#4 - Nature amended in its Nature {#7 - Engendering Nature}
#5 - Act of Nature {#8 - Transforming Nature}
#6 - Form of Nature {#9 - Autonomous Nature}
#7 - Engendering Nature {#10 - Totality of Nature}
#8 - Transforming Nature
#9 - Autonomous Nature {eg: Yang Hsung (53 BCE - 18 CE) 64 Hexagon
to 81 Tetragram assignments as Kosmological Number Theory}
The following is The structure of the Mysteries conveyed by I-Ching by
first century BCE consisted of a set of 64 six-line hexagrams
either a solid (ie.
yang ch'I as male as active principle, positive attribute; light;
cause; One; Unity; Realm of its Nature as Heaven; the unbegotten
Father; the great virtue of Heaven; As male has mastery over the great
beginning of things {Hex 1; Yang: [#32, #28, #14, #44 - Moderate
Values/ Setting Up Precepts, #15 - Mastering Guiding Discourse/ The
Revealers of Virtue, (#30, #44)]}
) or a single broken (ie.
yin as female as passive principle, negative attribute; dark; to fill;
correspondence; Duad; Multiplicity; System's Cosmology; As female
brings things to completion {Hex 2; Yin: [#2, #47, #10, #50 - Fantasies
of Avoiding Death/ The Estimation of Life, #9 - The Inconstancy of
Achievement/ Practising Placidity, (#47, #7)]}
) line, were substituted by a tetragram as four-line glyph, whose
component parts were read from top to bottom, in the opposite order to
the I-Ching. The four lines each therefore represented 3 possibilities
{ie. Solid-YANG, line broken-YIN, double
ie. self identity as the unknown and abyss; the begotten son as [#3,
#20, #52, #73 - Employing Deeming/ Daring to Act, #79 - Recognizing
Agreements/ Keep Your Obligations, (#1, #16)]; which is called
'generation' when things are born {Hex 3; Zhun [Birth Throes]: [#47,
#68, #67, #26 - Ambiguous Reversals/ The Virtue of Gravity, #37 -
Non-Deeming Action/ Administration of Government, (#25, #52)]} as
number {ie. Zhuan [to enumerate or calculate]} becomes embodied in
} meaning there were: 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = #81 possible tetragrams within
the Mystery, as opposed to the 64 glyphs of the I-Ching.
These tetragrams were associated to a hierarchical nest of divisions
that is at once a geographic, sociopolitical and anthropocentric realm
implemented during the Han period (206 BCE - 220 CE):
3 Regions {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven: + 0, 27, 54}
9 Provinces {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth: + 0, 9, 18}
27 Departments {ie. Self identity: + 0, 3, 6}
81 Families {ie. Its culturing as that which organises the myriad of
individual phenomena (Wan Wu): + 1, 2, 3} = Tetragrammation hierarchy
For example, the numerical value of #30 for the Tetragramation 'Bold
Resolution' is obtained by summing each row of the glyph as follows:
= = + 27
---- + 0
---- + 0
*** + 3 = #30
This cycle begins on 22-26 (pm) December winter solstice and connects
the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. It gives rise to the notion that the
Yin/Yang is a chronological consideration of Day/Night and the #41 -
(Summer Solstice)/#81 - Yang (Winter Solstice). The paradigm follows in
close approximation the general 5 day designations (with 4 and 6 day
variations) as calendar overlay assigned by the 72 trigrams as
Daemons/Angels comprising the Jewish Kabbalah paradigm as Divine Name
Extension (ie. Mystical name of God Shemhamphorae as dialectical
(anagrammation) of the 1550 BCE Biblical Text of [Exodus 14:19-21])
D) It is evident by the lack of any teleological statement for the
existence of God--which remains consistent with the history of western
thought in the four great phases of Mythos, Logos, Theos and Mechanos,
and the emerging age, provided it evolves, as I think, towards
participatory modes of knowing--that Rowland Croucher is coerced into
making rationalistic statements on gender.
I intuitively call this emerging age: Autos {one's true self, the soul;
containing its own principles of self-governance}
The reason for such conclusion, is that the four great phases of
western thought may be viewed dialectically:
Mythos {Thesis - Impossible}
Logos {Anti-thesis - Possible}
Theos {Synthesis - Self identity}
Mechanos {Progression-Logical Grounding of Infinity}
Autos {Corporal Form-Subjective Grounding of Infinity}
A rationalism according to the Macquarie Australian Dictionary, is:
1. The principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority
in matters of opinion, beliefs, or conduct.
2. Metempirical Philosophy
(a) the theory that reason is in itself a source of knowledge
independently of the senses (distinguished from empiricism, def. [2])
(b) the theory that even sense experience is possible only because of a
rational element supplied by reason (distinguished from sensationalism,
def [5])
3. Theology the doctrine that revelation and scriptural tradition are
to be accepted only so far as in principle, they conform with reason."
[Ref: The Macquarie Dictionary, © 1981 The Macquarie Library Pty Ltd]
On that basis, Pastor Rowland Croucher's claimed religious belief may
be viewed as unreasoned and may be rejected on that basis.
- dolf
- <http://home.iprimus.com.au/telos/kosmos.html#TETRAGRAMS>